Despite becoming less and less common, red Netflix envelopes have made especially vibrant canvases for movie-loving artists. Doodlefix is a blog devoted to the art created on Netflix envelopes. Whether these doodles happened while watching Pride and Prejudice or while waiting in line to return a DVD at the post office, they serve as a nice way to remember the red envelope.
Fanfiction authors are reacting to the news that the for-profit site has stolen works from hundreds of authors' pages on Archive of Our Own, Tumblr, and other sites. Ebooks Tree reposted works, but only the name of the work and the author is visible, requiring a login and credit card number to download them.
The '90s were a Golden Age for cartoons. Both Nickelodeon and Disney Channel were filled with countless hours of quality television. However, what made the '90s such a great time for TV was the iconic feminist cartoon characters produced that inspired me to ask for what I wanted, to not be afraid of myself, and to take on the patriarchy.
Remember that time in 2013 when Twinkies almost stopped existing? Those were dark times, indeed. Artists have taken to immortalizing the well-loved, well-processed afterschool snack, just in case there's another Twinkie apocalypse scare.