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To us, turning the everyday into something extraordinary is an incredible creative exercise.

handm WORSHIP THE BRAND,  part of Storyverse Studios premiere project, Find Me I'm Yours, was conceived by award-winning author and artist, Hillary Carlip, when photographs from her book, A La Cart: The Secret Lives of Grocery Shoppers were included in a museum show traveling to five cities in 2013/2014. The show, Stocked: Contemporary Art from the Grocery Aisles, features pieces by Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, and other artists inspired by brand culture.

Hillary brought on board Maxine Lapiduss, a branding consultant and creative strategist who works not only with a variety of brands, media companies, and artists, but also with Creative Capital, a non-profit organization that supports artists through funding, counsel, and career development services.

Together they’ve created a community that supports and encourages artists (and crafters!) -- and not just by providing a place for them to share and showcase their brand-inspired pop art and fan art, and view and comment on other’s work, but also get invaluable business tips from art industry pros, read and share inspiring posts, and WIN CASH to help support themselves as artists.

They wanted to be able to give actual money away because finding ways to make a living from art most often takes way more work than creating the art to begin with. To make that possible, they contacted several companies to see if they’d like to support the arts and artists who worship their brands. Nobody stepped up except for one company: Cumberland Packing Corp, who makes Sweet ‘N Low, Sugar in the Raw, Agave in the Raw, Stevia in the Raw, and Monkfruit in the Raw.

sweetnlowTurns out they’re a family owned business, and are serious patrons of the arts. Their late matriarch, Barbara Eisenstadt, was an accomplished painter and early supporter of the Rockaway Music And Art Council, founding its annual Fall Festival as well as its summer Sunset Picnic Concert series. She actually designed the now-famous little pink package that holds Sweet 'N Low (and that we’ve borrowed for the WTB logo!)

Sweet ‘N Low has generously supplied all the prize money for contests here on WTB to continue to support and nurture self-expression, imagination, and creativity.

So we hope you’ll worship them as much as we worship them, and they worship you.

Now go make some art!

* Photo by Barbara Green

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Worship The Brand. All Rights Reserved.