You’re making amazing artwork –it’s time to get others to take notice! Nowadays, every artist has to be his or her own publicist, social media specialist, marketing director, and sales agent. While this seems like a tall order, it begins with one simple first step: embrace your talent and get excited to share your creativity with the world.
Here are some easy, actionable tips to shine a spotlight on your work.
You don’t have to wait for the perfectly finished product to start sharing your creativity. Invite your friends, family, and fans into your process. If you like to write, start a blog where you can post essays about your influences and ideas. If you’re more visual, take photos of your work-in-progress and share them on social media. (Check out Tips on Photographing Your Work and Instragram for Artists.) People love to see what’s happening behind the scenes.
Networking can be daunting, so the best way is to start with those closest to you. Your fellow artist friends may be active in your community and may even have pros to introduce you to including curators, gallerists, etc. Even if you or your peers don’t have those connections, then get out into the real world together and make them! Go with your friends to museum programs, gallery openings, and other events. Networking online is also a great way to loop in and find opportunities to connect with others about your art. Finally, take an hour and write down everyone you know that might help give your work a boost – your third cousin’s wife’s friend who is a successful artist, or that girl you went to middle school with you that you’ve seen on social media talking about her awesome job working for a museum. Then take the time to make (or remake) those connections. Don’t be shy – the more you put yourself and your work out there, the more likely it is you’ll find success.
There are hundreds of juried shows, residencies, open calls, and commissions that you can apply to – sites like this website sponsor contests where you can win prizes and also get exposure for your work. Search them out online, or ask friends about opportunities that have worked for them. Set aside a block of time specifically to submit your art for consideration, and treat yourself afterwards for doing such a good job. Keep applying no matter the results -- Persistence is key!
Show your work anywhere and everywhere that you can. The first place you should upload it is to the Worship the Brand Gallery! Offline there are lots of interesting options nowadays as well to display and sell your work, be it at a crafts fair, a local coffee shop or restaurant, or other businesses that support the arts. Don’t be picky! Your dream gallery will come along eventually, and in the meantime any exposure is a chance that the right person will see your talent. You’re on your way to becoming an art star.
Shine on!