When was the last time you called your sibling? Yesterday... or maybe a year ago? Well, April 10th is National Siblings Day and we suggest you crack open your favorite fandom and celebrate. Even if your sibling doesn’t understand your fandom.
Image Source: giphy.com
Regardless, your favorite fictional siblings might say...
It’s been a long eight months, but for Orphan Black fans, the wait is almost over. The season three trailer dropped this week and most of you, like myself, have probably re-watched it 15 times. But Orphan Black is one of those delightfully hard to define shows, and if you’re not...
Given that Valentine’s Day was essentially an early expression of fandom – it began either as a celebration of various martyred saints named Valentine or Valentinus OR as the Christian version of the Pagan feast Lupercalia… with loads of classic artwork depicting both of these angels – the best way to...