Gordon Brown depicted as The Penguin from the Batman comic book franchise. Acrylics on A3 canvas. Part of the Political Supervillains series by Tash KK. Tash KK artwork available for sale at tishtashtoodles.etsy.com...
David Cameron and Nick Clegg depicted as Twoface from the comic book franchise. Acrylics on A3 canvas. Part of the Political Supervillains series by Tash KK. Tash KK artwork available for sale at tishtashtoodles.etsy.com...
Tony Blair depicted as The Joker from the comic book franchise. Painted onto A3 canvas with acrylics. Lettering cut from various newspapers. Part of the Political Supervillains series by Tash Knight-Kristoffersen. Tash KK paintings available for sale at tishtashtoodles.etsy.com...
This is a collage of original Superman Comics and the Superman Logo and measures 10" x 10" x 1.5"....
This is a collage of original Spiderman Comics and the Spiderman Logo and measures 10" x 10" x 1.5"....
This is a collage of original Punisher Comics and the Punisher Logo and measures 10" x 10" x 1.5"....
This is a collage of original Green Lantern Comics and the Green Lantern Logo and measures 10" x 10" x 1.5"....
This is a collage of original Captain America Comics and the Captain America Logo and measures 10" x 10" x 1.5"....
This is a collage of original Batman Comics and the Batman Logo and measures 10" x 10" x 1.5"....