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It takes a village

Just some people from the village...


"Can't you get me off the hook, Tom? For old times' sake?" "Sorry, Sally. Can't do it."...


“Hey! How ’bout a nice Hawaiian Punch?” http://blog.marshotelonline.com/2015/12/01/if-punch/...

Las Joyas

Jewelry set made out of Mexican coke bottle tin caps cut into heart shapes with additions of imitation fresh water pearls and crystals. Ring was made out of natural materials: dried flower. tree branches, and palm leaves....

Fanart Studio Ghibli...

Check out our shop! www.etsy.com/shop/blowingondandelion For a better view of the Jar go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODl8j358iXw&feature=youtu.be Glass was stained using Vitrea Pebeo paints and baked in the oven according to instructions for sealing. Measures approximately: 4 inches jar bottom diameter 3 1/8 inches jar top diameter 5 7/16 inches height without lid 6 inches height with lid 3 1/2 inches lid diameter...

Fan Art Studio Ghibli...

Check out our store!! www.etsy.com/shop/blowingondandelion Glass was stained using Vitrea Pebeo paints and baked in the oven according to instructions for sealing. Measures approximately: Height 3.5 inches Diameter 4 inches...

Fanart Studio Ghibli...

www.etsy.com/shop/blowingondandelion Glass was stained using Vitrea Pebeo paints and baked in the oven according to instructions for sealing. Measures approximately: 4 inches jar bottom diameter 3 1/8 inches jar top diameter 5 7/16 inches height without lid 6 inches height with lid 3 1/2 inches lid diameter...

Fanart Studio Ghibli...

use coupon code WELCOMEFALL2015 for a 10% OFF!! This white mug was painted using pebeo porcelaine 150 paints. We baked it according to instructions making it dishwasher resistant. Mug measures approximately: 4.5 inches in height 3 3/4 diameter...

It's not nice to fool

If you are around my age, you remember the catch phrase: “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.” That was the punchline to a ubiquitous commercial for Chiffon Margarine that ran in the late 70s and into the early 80s. The announcer (character actor Mason Adams) informs a cheerful Mother Nature that the butter she is enjoying is actually the laboratory-created Chiffon. Continued at http://blog.marshotelonline.com/2015/07/29/if-nature/...

Harry Styles with Drag...

Pencil and watercolour illustration of Harry Styles with a fragment of "Drag Me Down" lyrics. about 9 x 12 inches...

Tribute to the King of...

12ft tall portrait of Michael Jackson made from 1,680 recycled soda-pop cans (because MJ is the King of Pop) created by Los Angeles artist, Seaton Brown. This photo os from the guerrilla-style street-art unveiling done at Hollywood and Highland. People were blocking traffic to get a photo. Lots of fun! The piece was commissioned by Ripley's Entertainment and will be on display in one of their museums soon! There is a video documenting the creation of the piece and the unveiling on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTz5ouBoRjc...

Disney Tim Burton's The...

https://www.etsy.com/listing/242068292/fan-art-disney-tim-burtons-the-nightmare?ref=shop_home_active_4 Glass was stained using Vitrea Pebeo paints and baked in the oven according to instructions for sealing. Measures approximately: 4 inches jar bottom diameter 3 1/8 inches jar top diameter 5 7/16 inches height without lid 6 inches height with lid 3 1/2 inches lid diameter...

Pokemon Candle Holder

https://www.etsy.com/listing/241960665/fan-art-pokemon-candle-holder?ref=shop_home_active_7 Glass was stained using Vitrea Pebeo paints and baked in the oven according to instructions for sealing. Measures approximately: 4 inches jar bottom diameter 3 1/8 inches jar top diameter 5 7/16 inches height without lid 6 inches height with lid 3 1/2 inches lid diameter...

Adventure Time...

https://www.etsy.com/listing/242067196/fan-art-adventure-time-characters?ref=shop_home_active_6 Glass was stained using Vitrea Pebeo paints and baked in the oven according to instructions for sealing. Measures approximately: 4 inches jar bottom diameter 3 1/8 inches jar top diameter 5 7/16 inches height without lid 6 inches height with lid 3 1/2 inches lid diameter...

Die, Rebel Scum

Social commentary has been an interest of mine for quite some time. Whether it be movies, books, music or other artistic media, all have a resounding effect on my work. The messages in my paintings are visual metaphors for my experiences in modern life. All of my work has social messages woven into the concept and visual structure of the images. Dichotomies are especially important to the foundation of my work. Old and new, beautiful and ugly or good and evil all get fused physically and conceptually in my pieces. The process in which I create my art is much like developing a riddle... start with the answer and work backwards. I begin with the final product then figure out how to make it happen. I take elements I've drawn, sculpted or photographed and scan them into the computer. Once in the computer, I bring them all together and merge them into one cohesive image. Once I'm happy with my composition, they are then printed with fully archival materials, mounted on board and then painted in oils. The frames used to display the work are salvaged antique and vintage frames. They are either distressed, re-beautified, painted or left in existing condition based on the look I desire. Thank you for taking the time to read my statement and view my artwork. www.anthonygranato.com...

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