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Toddler Raphael

I absolutely love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! And Raphael is my favorite :) I have hand drawn him using drawing pencils and colored him in with colored pencils. This item is currently for sale at https://www.etsy.com/listing/175713632/raphael-teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles?ref=shop_home_active_1...

Marie Antoinette

This is a print reproduction of an original drawing of actress Kirsten Dunst in her portrayal of 18th century French monarch Marie Antoinette in Sofia Coppola's 2006 film 'Marie Antoinette'. Prints of this drawing can be purchased from www.etsy.com/shop/bighairbighats. Watermark will not appear on purchased prints....


'Riddles in the Dark' is a chapter near the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring. It has a scene where Gandalf is just starting to suspect Bilbo's prank of being something much more serious... As he stares into the fire, the detail from the firelight showing the wisdom on his face is incredible. I had to capture it. CULTSCENES.COM...

Han Duckalo

Han Solo as a rubber duckie...

Duckie Fett

Pastel drawing of Jango Fett as a rubber duckie...

Duckie maul

Pastel drawing of Darth Maul as a rubber duckie...


Pastel drawing of Yoda as a rubber duckie...

Sara Lance, Queen of...

Playing cards have been associated with magic, the occult, unsavory characters of all colors and creeds, and magicians. They also have a seriously amazing, time enduring design. But I think the best part about playing cards is the fact they're reversible; the image on the top is the same as the image on the bottom, so the person across from you sees the same thing you see. That was my inspiration for these pieces. In the show Arrow, Sara Lance is as much The Canary as she is a sister and a regular girl. In fact, in many regards, she is more like The Canary than she is the Queen of the Lance family's hearts. She isn't pretending to be an assassin, that's just who she has really come to be. Okay, I made this before the third season had been released, so I realize there will be, ehem, changes, but I still really like her, and the fact she mirrors her persona as much as Oliver Queen does his. No matter which direction you see this card, you still see Sara Lance. This piece is available for purchase on my Etsy under the store name ClockworkFoxArt....

Oliver Queen, King of...

Playing cards have been associated with magic, the occult, unsavory characters of all colors and creeds, and magicians. They also have a seriously amazing, time enduring design. But I think the best part about playing cards is the fact they're reversible; the image on the top is the same as the image on the bottom, so the person across from you sees the same thing you see. That was my inspiration for these pieces. In the show Arrow, Oliver Queen is as much The Arrow as he is a billionaire playboy. In fact, in many regards, he is more like The Arrow than he is the king of the Queen castle. He isn't pretending to be a vigilante, that's just who he has really come to be. So his double on the card is the mirror of himself, but no matter which direction you see it from, he is still Oliver Queen. And he's the king of diamonds because of his money, and the diamond's resemblance to his arrow points. This piece is available for purchase on my Etsy, under the store ClockworkFoxArt....

Sam, Saint of...

Most of the characters in Supernatural wouldn't be considered "saintly", despite the fact they've saved the world over and over again. But they all possess traits that could arguably have them put up in stained glass. Sam perseveres through all things, keeping hope and head above water. He pulls his brother and the whole team through, often suffering quietly for the sake of others. He might not ever be eligible for sainthood, but that doesn't stop him from being among the angels when it comes to his better nature. This piece is also available for purchase on my Etsy, under the account ClockworkFoxArt....

Dean, Saint of Loyalty

Most of the characters in Supernatural wouldn't be considered "saintly", despite the fact they've saved the world over and over again. But they all possess traits that could arguably have them put up in stained glass. Dean is loyal beyond measure; to his family, any who stand with him, and even to the entire human race. He faces down demons, death, and monsters, without regard for his own safety, to stand by the ones he loves. And he makes an angel fall from grace because of his devotion and loyalty. That's got to count for something. This piece is also available for purchase on my Etsy under the shop ClockworkFoxArt....

Castiel, Saint of Faith

Most of the characters in Supernatural wouldn't be considered "saintly", despite the fact they've saved the world over and over again. But they all possess traits that could arguably have them put up in stained glass. Castiel is faithful; faithful beyond measure to those he cares about. He stands up to the ultimate evil, and his brother, and even his father's plans, all because of his faith in what is truly right and wrong. This piece is also available for purchase on my Etsy under the store ClockworkFoxArt....


"Meltdown" by Jon Eisenmann, 36"x48" oil on canvas 2013 Britney Spears Portrait...


"Amanda" by Jon Eisenmann, 48"x48" oil on canvas 2013 Amanda Bynes portrait...

Side Effects 3

"Side Effects 3" by Jon Eisenmann, 30"x40" oil on canvas 2013 Lindsay Lohan portrait...

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