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The Ten Greatest Super Bowl Ads of All Time

If you’re like us and are a bigger fan of the Super Bowl commercials (costing as much as $4.5 million for a :30 spot!) than you are of the game itself, then you know that the armchair quarterbacking the day after gets pretty heated over which advertisers scored and which ones should’ve been benched. This year’s offerings were pretty good (and you can check ’em all out on the special Tumblr page NBC put up for just the ads! but it will take some time to determine whether any true classics debuted. For comparison sake, here’s a look back at the ten best Super Bowl commercials of all time (in no order). 

1. Super Soda Can

Oh Cindy Crawford! We still don’t believe that those kids were staring at that can, but we want anything you have, so pass the ice-cold Pepsi – stat!

2. Smell Like A Man

The Old Spice man was an instant hit when he debuted at the Super Bowl XLIV (2010). Old Spice made the genius move of choosing a spokesperson targeted at women, who, lets face it, are probably buying all the household deodorant. We want to hang out with him so badly, but we’ll settle for someone who smells like him… and looks so damn good on a horse to boot.

3. Stop And Look Around

Matthew Broderick will always be Ferris Bueller to us. No one is better at playing hooky. For Super Bowl XLVI (2012), Honda tapped into our Bueller nostalgia with their Super Bowl CRV commercial. Let’s just hope that your boss didn’t see it the day after when you call in sick with a “cold.”

4. The Future Was 30 Years Ago

At Super Bowl XIX (1984), which was way before the iPad, iPod, or i-anything existed, Apple introduced the Macintosh computed with a wonderfully artistic George Orwell themed commercial. We’re just wondering where that adorable rainbow apple logo went. 

5. You’re Not You When You’re Hungry

Betty White has been gracing television screens for an astonishing 74 years, and she’s still got it. Betty makes anything great -- this Snickers commercial from Super Bowl XLIV  (2010) is no exception. We bet she’s also got better football skillz than you’d think. 

6. You Got The Right One Baby

Pepsi for the win again! If Ray Charles sang about it, we want to drink it. His Super Bowl XXV (1991) Diet Pepsi ad had it all: high production values, global locations, and back-up dancers. Let’s watch it again!

7. No Need For Bug Spray

Mosquitos – are there any bigger pests?. What if the solution has been sitting on our kitchen tables this whole time? Tabasco proposed just that in their Super Bowl XXXIII (1998) commercial.  When it comes to fire power, Tabasco clearly puts other bug repellents to shame. 

8. Where’s The Beef?

If there is one thing we’ve learned from this list it might be that senior citizens are a great formula for a great Super Bowl ad. Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?” commercial from Super Bowl XIX (1984) created one of the most popular catchphrases of all time. We’re still using it thirty years later. 

9. This Bud’s For You

Budweiser has had lots of great Super Bowl commercials over the years, but their Super Bowl XLIII (2009) was a true classic. Crocodiles and frogs can get along, but only when it comes to beer. Bud! Weis! Er!

10. Nothing But Net

Michael Jordan and Larry Byrd could sure play basketball in their prime. There skills got even better when it came to competing for a Big Mac in this ad from Super Bowl XXVII (1993). Sometimes hunger defies physics!


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