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Doodling In The Sky: Remembering America’s Most Traveled Catalogue

Woe is everyone. SkyMall, our favorite mile-high catalogue is going out of business. Where will we buy our paper towel holder phone chargers and denim lounge pants now? In memoriam this post is dedicated to our favorite SkyMall-related art and a Tumblr project called SkyMall Doodles, which asked airline passengers to scribble in their SkyMall catalogue, take a picture, leave the magazine for the next passenger, and then submit the picture to the blog. We couldn’t buy a better tribute – enjoy our faves. 

1. A Doggone Good Sphinx

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While “Man” might have been the answer to the Sphinx’s riddle, the question remains – what will we do in those endless stretches of a flight when we’ve forgotten to bring a magazine and electronics are banned? And perhaps even more pressing, what will the puppy pharaohs of our households do without their SkyMall regal beds? 

2. Get Your Ducks In A Row

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It’s fairly surprising that when SkyMall made a welcome statue featuring a line of ducks dancing the Can-Can they didn’t outfit them Moulin Rouge-style frilly skirts. Thankfully one thoughtful doodler brought the Ooh-La-La! 

3. Boyfriend Pillow

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We’ve always thought that SkyRest travel pillow was a wonderful idea for long flights. We’re too shy to use one, but we give major props to anyone who would. Mutual affection is very important in a pillow. 

4. Hungry Massager

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Our parents always told us not to stick our hands into mysterious black holes. This doodle illustrates exactly what could happen if we don’t follow their advice, though we would love a hand massage. 

5. Fire Breather

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Even dogs that can fly need a comfy bed. This is probably the friendliest dragon we’ve ever seen. His horns may indicate that he works for the devil, but he also looks like he’d be down for a friendly game of fetch. 

6. Monster Grunge

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We’ve never really understood the concept of purchasing pre-ripped jeans, but the ’90s are making a big comeback. Mash those suckers up with “lounge pants,” and we’re not sure what to say, except it looks like a comfortable way to fly back to the future. 

All Images From: SkyMall Doodles Tumblr 


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